How Do You Prevent Bunions?


There is only one way to prevent bunions from getting worse and that is to keep them well-managed. Taking care of your overall health as well as wearing the right type of footwear will help you keep your bunions manageable. Keeping extra pressure off of your bunions on a daily basis, and not allowing them to get scraped will also lower your odds of requiring them to be surgically removed. As long as you are diligent with taking care of your feet and being mindful of the management of your bunions, then you likely will not have anything to worry about. Just be very careful to not get complacent.

Related: if you are playing basketball and it sometimes makes bunions even more painful, then these shoes will help while playing outdoors

Is It Possible To Remove Bunions Without Resorting To Surgery?

The short answer to this question is, no. Unfortunately, the only way to remove bunions is through a surgical procedure. There are instances when bunions can even grow back after surgery which is why you want to do everything in your power to prevent bunions from getting worse. By knowing this, you will be motivated to do everything you possibly can to manage your bunion so it does not have to get to that point. The last thing you will want to do is allow your bunion to keep growing which will cause you a lot more pain. You first need to figure out conclusively if you actually have bunions or if you are suffering from something else entirely.

Untreated bunions can be quite crippling as you will not be able to walk properly. That is why surgery is needed if it gets to that point. Only you can stop that from needing to be a necessary step. Going after the right products to stop the growth of your bunion is the way to go, and these are bunion correctors. If you wear the proper shoes for bunions, that will certainly help you, but it will not always fix the underlying problem permanently.

There are several types of bunion correctors to look into. One type is the splint that you wear on your affected foot in bed overnight. The purpose of the splint is to keep pushing the big toe back in the correct place. if your big toe bone is not staying in place and ends up out of alignment, then that is how bunions are developed. Therefore, the splint will keep it in the correct position. It will not reverse the bunion as they cannot be reversed in any way except surgically. A splint will keep it managed.

You’ll need to expect to be committed to wearing a splint long-term as it is not a quick fix. Over time, you’ll become used to wearing the splint. There is another type of bunion corrector to use if you don’t want to go for the splint. That is the orthotic insert that you put inside of your shoes.

The orthotic insert is meant to provide the right support for your feet. It also keeps your big toe in the right position in your shoes which will prevent your bunion from getting out of hand to manage over time. As long as you keep wearing the inserts in your shoes, you will not likely need to resort to having the bunion surgically removed.

Remember to take good care of your overall health by staying at an optimal weight. Don’t add extra pressure on your big toe and the rest of your feet. As long as you do that, then surgery won’t be necessary.

If Surgery Is Needed, How Painful It Is?

Taking care of your bunions is the one thing to do in order to minimize your chances of requiring surgery. However, you are human and as such, we are fallible and can become complacent. Forgetting to put a splint on your foot overnight could happen. Putting pressure on that foot can also happen by doing it subconsciously. You may be cleaning your shoes which means you have to remove your insert. Your dog could chew it up and you may get sidetracked and forget about getting a new one for a while.

There are plenty of reasons why you may end up needing bunion surgery. The main objective is to prevent bunions from worsening. Sometimes as a result of human experiences as described above, bunion surgery is the only way to manage the complications caused by the condition. As you are recovering and even after full recovery, wearing sandals for bunions will greatly ease and provide you some comfort.

How painful is bunion surgery? It is not any more painful than most other types of surgery. However, recovery can take a long time which can make the pain drag on. The reason for this is that the bone needs to find its way back to the correct position. In order for the results of the surgery to work, you’ll need to keep off of your feet for six weeks. Be prepared to delegate plenty of responsibilities to others. Write a list of friends and family members who will be willing to do grocery shopping or run other errands for you during that time period.

Staying off of your feet after bunion surgery for a month and a half increases the chance of the bunion not growing back. Going on your feet right after surgery or a week or two after increases the risk of the bunion growing back, and being more difficult to manage.

The reason behind you experiencing pain after bunion surgery is due to the fact that there is little tissue on your foot. Therefore, the bones in the feet have no cushion. Your foot may swell up and that can aggravate the nerves and trigger some pain. This can add some pressure to your feet. Taking pain killers is the solution to experiencing as little pain as possible.

A surgical boot or a cast will encase your foot so it does not get wet and it helps relieve the pressure as much as possible. The total recovery time for bunion surgery is four to six months. The reason it takes that long for your foot to recover is that it takes the bone that long to go back into the correct position.


The objective you have is to prevent bunions from getting worse to the point that they need to be surgically removed. Being mindful of your activities, lifestyle, and managing your bunion the best you can reduce your chances of requiring surgery. However, you are human. You can forget to take care of your bunion. There are several reasons why surgery may be necessary.

If you do need surgery then you must prepare yourself for the fact that you will need to stay off of your feet for six weeks for the foot to heal. Otherwise, the bunion could grow back and become even harder to manage.